Candidate Relationship Management Statistics

Steve Goldstein
Steve Goldstein
Business Formation Expert
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Candidate Relationship Management Statistics 2023: Facts about Candidate Relationship Management outlines the context of what’s happening in the tech world.

LLCBuddy editorial team did hours of research, collected all important statistics on Candidate Relationship Management, and shared those on this page. Our editorial team proofread these to make the data as accurate as possible. We believe you don’t need to check any other resources on the web for the same. You should get everything here only 🙂

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Top Candidate Relationship Management Statistics 2023

☰ Use “CTRL+F” to quickly find statistics. There are total 17 Candidate Relationship Management Statistics on this page 🙂

Candidate Relationship Management “Latest” Statistics

  • According to certain studies, applicants who have already interacted with a brand are twice as likely to open cold emails, and 66% of candidates believe that speaking with corporate workers is the best way to learn about that organization.[1]
  • Candidates who had a bad experience in the job application process won’t apply again, according to 69% of candidates.[2]

Candidate Relationship Management “Other” Statistics

  • Through the usage of Candidate Relationship Management and Talemetry, CWD has been able to increase application conversion rates to over 83%.[3]
  • 75% of passive applicants and 89% of hiring managers are both employers.[4]
  • 69% of applicants said they would tell their friends and network about their bad experiences during the application process.[2]
  • According to a Gartner analysis from 2003, more than 2 billion was spent on software that was never used.[2]
  • Some predict that Candidate Relationship Management technologies will handle 70% to 80% of recruitment duties in the future due to their importance.[2]
  • 40% of businesses claim that their best recruits are internal candidates.[2]
  • 51% of businesses report that their best hires come from employee recommendations.[2]
  • Reduce by up to 50% the time required for recruiters to find quality applicants for available jobs.[2]
  • Over 60% of businesses feel that enhancing their employer brand is a major priority.[2]
  • Your professional website is crucial since 59% of job searchers visit it to learn more about your business before they file an application.[2]
  • According to a recent survey, simplicity of use is seen by 65% of CRM users as being the most crucial factor to consider when choosing a CRM system.[5]
  • Despite the fact that most companies now use arms, acceptance rates are still fairly low, with an average adoption rate of 26% across all sectors.[5]
  • A 2021 survey found that 58% of job searchers turned down employment offers because of subpar experience.[6]
  • A pleasant experience, according to 80% of applicants polled, affected their choice to accept an offer.[6]
  • 100% of native CRM+ATS in the market are developed on a single system, resulting in a unified data pipeline that uses a common applicant profile.[7]

Also Read

How Useful is Candidate Relationship Management

One of the key benefits of utilizing CRM is the ability to build and maintain relationships with potential candidates over time. By keeping track of interactions, preferences, and past experiences with candidates, recruiters can personalize their approach and provide a more tailored experience. This personalized touch helps create a positive impression and can ultimately lead to a stronger connection between the candidate and the organization.

In addition to fostering relationships, CRM also helps streamline and optimize the recruitment process. By automating routine tasks, such as scheduling interviews and sending follow-up emails, recruiters can save time and focus on high-priority activities. This increased efficiency not only speeds up the hiring process but also ensures a consistent experience for all candidates.

Furthermore, CRM enables organizations to track and measure their recruitment efforts more effectively. By capturing and analyzing data on candidate interactions, recruiters can identify trends, track performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions. This valuable insight can help organizations determine which strategies are most effective in attracting and engaging candidates, leading to a more targeted and successful recruitment approach.

Another crucial aspect of CRM is its ability to enhance the candidate experience. In today’s competitive job market, candidates have high expectations for the recruitment process. They expect timely communication, transparency, and a personalized experience. By leveraging CRM tools, organizations can deliver on these expectations, creating a positive candidate experience that can leave a lasting impression, regardless of the outcome of the hiring process.

Overall, candidate relationship management is a valuable tool for organizations looking to improve their recruitment outcomes and gain a competitive edge in the talent market. By building and maintaining relationships, streamlining processes, tracking performance, and enhancing the candidate experience, organizations can strengthen their recruitment efforts and attract top talent.

In conclusion, the benefits of candidate relationship management are undeniable. Investing in a robust CRM strategy can help organizations build meaningful connections with candidates, streamline their recruitment processes, track performance metrics, and enhance the overall candidate experience. As competition for talent continues to intensify, organizations that prioritize candidate relationship management are likely to see significant benefits in attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent.


  1. clovers –
  2. webinarcare –
  3. harver –
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  5. agilecrm –
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  7. smartrecruiters –

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